Smart squirrel seeks shelter from snow

My dog says he loves this photo of a squirrel using her tail to protect herself from the snow. Who says rodents aren't smart?


  1. That is so cute, Amber! Today, my 14 year old black bear-wolf, Kodi was out in the snow for over an hour. Every time I would try to get her to come in and join her ginger-red sister, she would nibble a mouthful of snow! Too funny! And no, none of it was yellow! lol
    Anita @ModelSupplies

  2. My dog says...

    Anita! I know you like squirrels, so this post was really for you!

    Glad your critters are staying away from the yellow snow. If they, or you, ever wanna guest blog here, just let me know! Happy to hand the blog over to you for any animal related topic you choose.



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