Trivia challenge to help feed animals

My dog says is sponsoring a trivia contest to help feed homeless animals across America! Each time you answer a trivia question, donates food to an animal shelter (doesn't matter if your answer is right or wrong!).

You can play the Bow Wow Trivia contest online by clicking HERE or Meow Trivia by clicking HERE. Better yet, if you're on Twitter, follow @FreeKibble to get all the dog and cat trivia together.

Play along today and help a hungry, homeless animal who needs YOUR help!


  1. Wow (or should I say Bow Wow)I hadn't seen that, thanks for the link. Posted far and wide.

  2. My dog says...

    Yeah, it's easy to do and helps animals! The homepage on my mom's computer is the Animal Rescue Site so we click to give animals free food each day (actually several times a day!). is a nice thing to add to our routine so we can give even more food.

    Can't bear to think of a fellow dog (or cat) being hungry! Luckily, my mom gives us lots of treats and good meals so our tummies never growl. I'm a good eater.


  3. I get the email alerts each day for the rescue site. No it's not nice thinking of little empty tummies. Those cats of mine waste a lot, they don't know they're born, but we have 2 cats and a dog that come calling to eat up the leftovers.


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