Donate towels or blankets to your local animal shelter, have a feral cat spayed or neutered, buy your dog a new toy, play with your kitty, feed the birds, throw peanuts to the squirrels, make a contribution to your favorite animal charity, or do something nice for a companion animal in your neighborhood.
If you love animals, find a special way to honor them today (and every day!).

Yes St Francis' day and World Animal Day, I'm making an extra effort today to get more signatures on our ban declawing petition to save millions of toe ends from ending up in clinical waste bags.
I think you're a really clever dog and I love reading your dog-blog. pats on the head to you and to your sister. xx
My dog says...
Thanks for your efforts to help stop declawing. It is such a cruel practice, it's hard to believe people really torture cats in such ways. It seems like something out a sci-fi book.
I will make a special post that just refers people to your petition. Good luck and thanks so much for doing something. More people should talk less and ACT more. Thanks for being one of the good guys!
- Puddy
Thank you Puddy and Amber for the extra publicity for the petition. You're quite right it is a horrible thing to do to a cat you profess to love, I couldn't put a cat of mine through something like that.